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Sports Taping
Are you aware of sport taping technique in masso-therapy Surely yes, but do you know the benefits of taping? Here are 5 benefits of sports taping:
Used to stabilize or immobilize joints.
Improves blood and lymphatic circulation.
Stimulates the self-healing of the body.
Improved muscle functions.
Prevention and muscular rehabilitation.
In addition, taping can be used for pregnant and nursing women. For pregnant women, taping helps with abdominal support and postural correction. For breastfeeding, it helps to contain engorgement and mastitis.
The taping that Massoterra uses is K-Taping. Why K-Taping? They are of excellent quality and last 7 days depending also on the type of skin
Lumbar pain .................... $ 15 + tx
Epicondylitis (humeral-ulnar epicondylitis) ................... $ 15 + tx
Epicondylitis (ex radio-humeral; tennis) ...................................... $ 15 + tx
Migraine .......................... $ 20 + tx
Sciatica............................ $ 20 + tx
Scoliosis .......................... $ 20 + tx
Abdominal support ............ $ 20 + tx
Sub-acromial problem ........ $ 20 + tx
Carpal tunnel syndrome ...... $ 20 + tx
Tendonitis of the biceps....... $ 20 + tx
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